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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
I had lost my Brother-in-law, had relationship issues with family, my confidence was at the lowest and had almost lost myself completely. Poornima Kotak’s program came by and the best decision of my life was to enrol for the 3 day program. It was like a burst of sunshine into my life, I connected with all the positive aspects of me instantly. I could find my ground, look at relationships objectively to correct them.
I further enrolled into her long term coaching program and today, after completion, I admire myself for who I am, live my life to the fullest and have a soaring business. I feel I can achieve anything in life! Poornima says that people react to how you feel about yourself and this is so true. My relationships with my family has taken a 180 degree turn. The daily activity tools that were provided and monitored for 1 year during the program, had such a profound impact on my life that I never realised I have become a completely different person who loves herself and who people admire. Poornima ensures that her Clients transform into the best versions of themselves through her in-depth techniques. A lot of people are dependent upon me and today consider me their role model.
Universe gives you what you want but asks you to bring in your part of the deal: 1. Clarity in what you want; 2. Strength to pursue what you want. To get that clarity & strength, you need Poornima and this program.
I met Poornima in Toastmasters club 2 years ago, where she was invited as a Speaker. I am a Senior Management Executive, a Company Secretary and Corporate Lawyer. I have been in the Corporate world for 30 years, attended several training programs and was wondering how Personal Branding could help me.
After I joined this program I realised that several aspects, especially the spiritual aspect of us needs to strengthen for our Personal & Leadership Development. I am very ambitious and I want to grow in life. What I learnt here is that in order to be successful in my professional life, it is important to be successful in my Personal Life. I need to be a good Father and a good husband. I learnt that I need to work on my inner self to shine in the outer world.
The concepts took me inwards and I started understanding myself better. Going inwards made me realise what exactly I want to become in my life. Though I was tied to a Corporate career, I always wanted to be a Pubic Speaker and wanted to be on stage. I thought I could express myself well because I was a Toastmaster, but I always knew that I was low on confidence. The program helped me learn the techniques and finer aspects of Public Speaking and Audience Management. My Personal Branding has become a catalyst and made me an impactful Speaker. Today, I get invited as a Keynote Speaker in various professional forums. Now people connect with what I say during my speaking engagements & this gives me a big boost of confidence. Earlier, it was difficult for me to showcase my potential, Poornima encouraged & coached me to keep working on my branding and even before I could realize I was leading people and living my purpose!
The best thing for me was that the concepts could be easily integrated into my daily life and I did not have to dedicate special time for application of these concepts. Very soon, people in my organization started noticing me and started admiring me for the way I presented myself which again led to phenomenal increase in my confidence.
I am a Spiritual Healer and in the Training & Coaching business. I have been an intuitive healer all my life and today conduct programs in Sound Healing across India.
I used to conduct Training programs on a small scale earlier, where I used to find it difficult to create an impact. Even after having a lot of talent and being blessed with the gifts of spiritual healing, I lacked the ability to pull people towards me.
I attended Poornima Kotak’s 3 day program and I was actually waiting for the long term coaching program to be announced, because I knew that it would take me to the next level. It has been a transformational journey since then, especially the appearance program completely changed my game. Earlier I used to go talk to people and initiate conversations and found that I am not creating any impact. Poornima Coached me on how to create an impact wherever I went, after implementing the concepts that I learnt in appearance everything started to turn around for me!
Poornima Kotak is truly a magician! From being a person who used to wait to get an opportunity to initiate conversations with people, today I attract thousands of people into my programs. I feel like a celebrity who people throng to speak to, wherever I go. Today the quality of my trainings are far more impactful than what it was before. My personal presence is highly impactful and adds to my authority. Appearance & Personal Skills has made a huge impact on me and the way I present myself.
Poornima always says that ‘you are the only roadblock to your success’. I had a lot of layers within me that were stopping me from shining, I allowed Poornima to Coach me and help me peel the unnecessary layers in me so that I can contribute to the world in a better way. Thank you, Poornima for this amazing transformation and journey! I love the way I am now!
I have been the Founder & CEO of a successful business for 20 years, in an industry that is male dominated. I did not realize my level of success and how I could be unstoppable until I met Poornima Kotak in her program.
I was not too lucky in my personal life and would allow that aspect of my life to drive my happiness quotient. I had accepted my life as sad and me as undeserving. I had no friends and no confidence to meet anyone. I would tell my sad story to anyone willing to listen and cry. Then the phenomenon called Poornima happened to me. I enrolled for her long term coaching program and she patiently started working on me. Slowly I started seeing how I had gone into a hiding over the years. She made me accept myself as I am. I instantly started loving myself. In just 3 months, I started looking 10 years younger, which gave me immense confidence. From avoiding meeting people to joining a BNI (Business Networking International) Chapter in Bangalore and networking, to becoming the Chapter President, the journey was quick and magical. I am now well known in the BNI circles across the city, I am well respected and recognized. I have great set of friends and an amazing social life. I feel confident and unstoppable! Among other learnings, my 3 important takeaways from Poornima’s program are 1) Confidence in abundance, 2) Lot of positive energy, 3) Belief that sky is the limit.
Poornima says that ‘when you tell your story to people if it doesn’t make you cry, means that you are healed’. Today when I talk about my story to people I laugh and am able to look at it as somebody else’s story. This is the kind of transformation she has made in my life. Poornima is a true Alchemist who can help you become the best version you can ever be!
I am a homemaker, an insurance agent and an athlete. Being a perfectionist kept me anxious and stressed all the time and in retrospect I can see that I did not know how to laugh or live life every minute.
My husband Milind had enrolled for a long term Coaching program and lured me into the program a few months later. He gifted me the program and left me with no choice. I walked in into the program with a lot of doubts, resistance and scepticism. Those days Milind and me were always arguing, picking on each other and hardly agreed on any aspects of life. Our young daughter was getting affected by all this and my health was taking a huge toll due to stress. My doctor had warned us of serious implications.
Poornima has taught me to make peace with myself, appreciate myself and everyone for who they are. My awareness & acceptance of me and others has expanded beyond imagination and has led to a peaceful home. My health has bounced back and I have been participating and winning in a lot of National & International athletic events thereafter. I feel like a winner, I am confident and feel that I am living the purpose of my life! Most importantly, I have lost my fake laughter and am genuinely enjoying life!
Being a sports person, I used to not bother about how I present myself. Today when I go for practise, people treat me with a lot more respect and dignity and willingly offer help. The coaches come forth and offer to teach new techniques to better my performance. I am enjoying all the attention that I never got before. I used to go and plead earlier but in vain, today I don’t have to do any of that. I am able to manifest things now in my life, it feels as if there a red carpet is laid out for me to walk on. All this is just too good! I thank Poornima for being gentle with me, bringing these things in my life and making me who I am meant to be!
I come from a village in Kerala, now living in Bangalore. I am married to a man who is loving and encourages me to grow and reach the stars. I have a family that supports me in every aspect of life, but there was always a void in me.
My growing up years were challenging and my experiences led me to believe that I did not deserve good things. I was dragging unnecessary baggage all along, which kept me in low confidence. I became a person who was engulfed with fear and low self-esteem. My mind was very closed to doing new things, I could not accept anyone around me, leading to relationship issues.
Personal Branding program opened me to the uniqueness in me and to look at myself from a winner’s perspective. Today it feels that my challenging times were lessons that I am grateful for. I am able to consolidate my experiences to lead a holistic and complete life. I am able to count all the blessings I have and am open to receiving more from God. Poornima opened several doors in my mind and handheld me in letting go of all my negative baggage that I was carrying for several years and put me at peace with myself.
I don’t have words to express how lucky I am to have a person like Poornima in my life. Just thinking of Poornima makes me feel very energetic. I am so happy with life now and have great gratitude to God.
When life throws challenges, sometimes all it takes is to look at the challenge in the eye. When I learnt to do that, what looked like a big boulder magically started looking like smaller stones which I could manoeuvre.
I attended Poornima’s 3 day program when I had just changed jobs & my husband had lost his job. We were going through a tough time financially. I was managing my home, 2 young daughters and the demands of my work alone as my husband was not in India. I had to prove myself every moment, at work, come back and manage my home. It was a challenging time for me as there was so much stress in all aspects of my life. I knew that I was sinking in my confidence and needed help in becoming my best. I decided to invest in myself and enrolled for Poornima’s Coaching program.
I was determined to change my situation and implemented the concepts that I learnt from Poornima at work. I had just joined a French subsidiary in India as a Financial Controller, at that time. The concepts of Personal Branding helped me get position myself strongly in the organization. I found that without doing much, just my appearance was sending people signals which otherwise I would try to communicate. This gave me the confidence to apply more techniques Poornima taught me in communication and public speaking in my daily work. As a result I got chosen as the Communications Manager for an international conference that was conducted by my company in Singapore. From being a Financial Controller to becoming the head of Communications for a conference of this scale was unthinkable a few months ago. The kind of exposure, opportunity and international presence that I got happened only because of learning and implementing the concepts from Poornima Kotak’s program.
Today, I feel so good about myself. I can now speak from the stage and in front of any audience size, which was not possible earlier. I am popular in my organization and have a lot of respect from everyone. What has helped me is that the concepts are logical, can be easily implemented in our daily life and most importantly, I don’t need to take time out of life to work on myself.
Today, I have the confidence and feel like a winner who loves life! I am definitely a great influence on my growing up daughters!
I am a blogger, coach & a speaker and I also have a corporate job. One of the key things that I have seen in the last 2 years after attending the Appearance program is, my daughter coming to me and telling me that “Dad, you have changed” to which I said yes I have changed the way I present myself in terms of my appearance to which she said that you have changed the way you look at me. You have changed the way you believed in yourself and you have started looking at me differently and that’s the best consolation that you can get as a father special from a teenage daughter who challenge you at every step. Thank you Poornima for helping me understand who am I because it’s important for you to know how you perceive your own self and this realisation I got from these programs.