Increase your salability factor!

"Creating a holistic brand out of a product called YOU, and enhancing your salability factor"

-Poornima Kotak

Everyone has a price tag, your salability value will depend on how you increase your perceived value. Through Personal Branding concepts we help you enhance your salability factor by helping you achieve the end result of:

  • Charismatic persona
  • Powerful Personal Presentation
  • Impactful Communication
  • Influential Public Speaking
  • Confident Body Language
  • Conscious Leadership
  • High Emotional Quotient
  • Building Strong Relationships
  • Living the purpose!


Leveraging who you are!

"Everything about you is part of your branding"

-Poornima Kotak

Personal Branding is the relationship between 2 basic things:
1. how you feel about you and how others feel about you
2. how you sell yourself and why others buy you
These 2 things define your success in whatever you do!

You have spent a number of years working very hard and upgrading your technical skills, you live with performance stress and burn your youth doing this. While technical expertise is important, it alone may not help you grow to your highest potential. What you need to parallelly work on is the way you position your branding and project who you are! People are looking for a great leadership brand that brings a big promise for a better tomorrow!

We as products also need to constantly market and position ourselves as brands, so that we increase our saleability factor. The gap between who you are and what people want to buy is where Personal Branding steps into. A good brand makes for a potential great leader. How you brand yourself will help people understand why they need to accept your leadership.

Personal branding for Corporate Professionals

Having worked in the Corporate Industry for several decades, we understand the efforts that you put in your work and your aspirations to grow in your career, very well!

Corporate Leadership is a paradox, you need to play by the rules of your industry or organization, yet be unique in the way you lead! We understand that you have put your sweat, time and youth in this game and hence we bring in the most effective, tested methods to help you become the ICON you dream to be!

Personal branding for Business Owners

Business owners often live under a spell that customers buy the products or services they sell, while Customers buy the person who sells and neither the product nor the service!

For you as a Business Owner, Personal Branding is all about creating a sense of authority in you and showcasing you as a successful business owner

Personal branding for Professionals

You represent your product or service! Your education and expertise is what you sell, hence whether your Client engages with you or not depends on how you position yourself and project your Branding!

The 5 Gateways of Personal Branding

Personal Branding is based on the Inside-Out concept where the inner CORE becomes the foundation for external development. But we like to take the Outside-In format. All aspects of you from your external appearance to your inner self needs to be aligned and connected, for you to represent your holistic branding. Your Appearance, Communication, Leadership, Behavior and Thoughts need to work together and support each other for you to be accepted as a strong and powerful Leader.


Create an impact wherever you go

"Your Personal Branding is a holistic representation of the person that you are, to the world"

-Poornima Kotak

How you are seen and perceived is critical for how others respond to you, which means that many times your own success depends on how you project yourself to the world! Everything about you is giving away a lot of secrets about you and most of the times, you have no clue what others are learning about you!

‘Work Hard’ is something that you probably heard from your parents and teachers as a command, while you grew up, and you took them seriously! It is important to put in your best in what you do, at the same time, it is also important to be smart and sell yourself with a strategy! There is no escape from projecting your branding, you are already doing it every single minute. Being conscious about your branding may help you struggle less.


Open Programs

Audience: Mid – Senior Corporate Leaders; Business Owners & Professionals

Program: A 3 step funnel of programs, one leading to another, ranging from a 3 hour seminar to a 1 year transformational engagement, that is completely customized for the individual Participants, along with group learning.

Corporate Programs

Audience: Mid ? Senior Corporate Leaders

Program: Single interventions with specific focus as per the need.
Long term engagements for transformational results. Customized learning and implementation for each individual Participant.

Online Programs

Audience: Corporate Executives and Leaders; Business Owners; Trainers, Coaches & Teachers; Professionals & Students.

Program: Plethora of short programs to choose from, specifically created for various audiences.
A funnel leading to an individual coaching engagement.

CEO Exclusive

Audience: CEOs or aspiring CEOs of Mid and large sized organizations; vertical heads of large organizations

Program: Completely customized 12 month program, with 121 coaching, recommendations, e- learning options and multiple consultations.